but the only problem is that he's undoubtly GAY. like i'm SORRY. but it's like TRUE. he is gay and perverted at the same time. he's prolley BIOSEXUAL in a VERY VERY VERY BAD WAY!!! he's really really scary! well not scary, but sooo weird! i dont know howta describe it. he's sooo...
when i first arranged lessons with him, my mom's like get an adult to go with you. (cuz both my parents couldn't come with me that day) and i'm like "oh... okay but why? i'm fine by myself." and she's like well he's a MAN teacher and we dont know anything about him, like if he's single or married you know? and your only 14. and i'm like.. ugh... your point is? and she's like well something might go wrong and you might get.. well.. harrassed. and i'm like O_O mom....!!! and she's like just being cautious you know. so i'm liek fine fine fine. i'll ask our neighbour.
and so i went to the class with my neighbour and half-embarrassed cuz i had to call her out on such a petite little thing. but in the end, MY LORD was i ever thankful!!!
but seriously, anyone who can MARRY that guy is considered NON-HUMAN themselves. seriously! well... THIS TIME, if he's gonna keep up his bad GAYNESS and bad PERVERTEDNESS, then i'm bring my FATHER!! MWAHAHAHA LOL!!!
hopefully he'll BEHAVE!!! ^^'
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