a day out in the wind


Frank & Salsa

MY CATS ARE HERE !! they are so cute and adorable and aren't scary AT ALL. i love them with all my heart right now. the suite smells like pee but im getting used to it LOL

Salsa is like really shy. she was like crying when we picked her up. she was so scared and .. aaaw ~~ i feel saaad. and she just kept crying and crying. and she ran into my room and curled up in the dark corner with my clothes. the poor thing. but its so cute.

Frank is more of a.. 'man' so to say. he's probably not all that happy but he's just walking around, getting used to our suite. so cute.

i think im gonna seirously gonna love them. my sister is like 'attacking' them haha. so much looveee hehe. oh and made a mistake. SALSA is the BLACK ONE. and FRANK is the WHITE ONE. :D

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